
Indus valley civilization

  Priyanka yadav Introduction •  Indus valley civilization also known as the Indus Civilisation, was a Bronze Age civilisation in the northwestern regions of South Asia.  • In 1921, Daya Ram sahni discovered the ruins of the ancient city of Harappa.  •  The term ' Indus valley civilization' was first     used by John Marshall  . It is also known as ' Harappan civilization'. • The indus valley civilization contemporary to Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Chinese civilisation.  • The earliest excavations in the Indus valley were done at Harappa in the West Punjab and Mohenjodaro in Sind. Both places are now in Pakistan. IVC( Indus valley civilisation) excavation in British Indian and Independence India   • The oldest record of Harappan ruin is first traced to the Charles Masson's  book 'Narrative of various journeys in Baluchistan, Afghanistan and the Punjab' in 1842. • Later R.D Banerjee excavated Mohenjo-daro in 1992 and then several historians discover sev

The Mauryan period arts

• Sixth century bce marks the beginning of new religious and social movements in the gangatic valley in the form of Buddhism and Jainism. • Both religions became popular as they opposed the jati and Varna system in the Hindu religion. • By the fourth century bce Mauryan established their power and by the third century bce, the large part of India under Mauryan control. • Ashoka emerged most powerful ruler of Mauryan dynasty who patronised Buddhist religion. • During the Mauryan period construction of  stupa and viharas  as a part of  monastic establishment became part of the Buddhist tradition. • Apart from stupa and viharas this time rock-cut caves , stone pillars , monumental figure sculpture carved from several places. • Stone pillars were erected by Ashok, which have been found in the north Indian part of the Mauryan empire with inscription engraved on them. •  the top portion of the pillars was carved with  capital figures like the bull, the elephant, the lion etc. • All cap